Just a little piece of space.

This is my life, these are my loves, and this is my dream...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

DreamWorld Baby!

We're building up for David being away again for quite a while.  6 weeks is a long time in an 8yr old and 4yr olds life.  They feel as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel, or that the light is so far away they will never reach it.  We like to do silly little things to make it a little more bearable.  One of which is a freddo frog a day.  David fills two containers full of them, with their names on them, and they get to eat one for each day he's gone.  That way, they can see the pile getting smaller as the days go on and they get a 'Daddy treat' at the same time.   We also have Skype set up, and try to speak to him the same time most days/nights depending on where he is in the world.  Even if its just for a few minutes, it helps.  We also try to take the little ones out somewhere fun and just for them, on his last week.

This time it was DreamWorld, the Bright Lights, Big City of all little people...and where the world is full of Wiggles, Spongebob and brightly coloured SnoKones....

And where you can ride the carousel as many times as you'd like..

All the while, pretending to be way too cool for it....

When really you're lovin it just as much as they are...

It's a place where, anything is possible, including riding giant blues clues  that go up and down, around and around...

It's a place where little girls can have extra cuddles with their Daddy..

And where you can expect the unexpected..

Nothing more unexpected then David pushing the stroller, hehee!

It's a place where small boys convince their Mothers to go on big scary rides that they are far too old for..

Yeah, that was a little intense!

It's where you can get a little confused....

It's where you can buy buckets of fairy-floss...

And then, lick the sticky pink sugar off your fingers....

While getting just as much of it on the outside, as on the inside...

And where little girls dance by the water fountains,

And sit next to Koalas.

It's a fun filled, happy, sunny and chilled place to be...It's DreamWorld Baby!!

Even Puff  (the magic dragon)  had a blast...

Bye bye for now.....we'll be seeing you, shortly! :)


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